
Friday, October 20, 2023

DreadTober - Power Up Sequence Complete


Whelp.. I'm calling it complete. I did some free hand on his left knee and his right shoulder. I'm pretty happy with the knee but the shoulder is a little wonky. The chipping on it made it look a little off to me. I've been going back and forth about it and whether I should redo it but I think I'm just going to let it sit for a little bit and come back to it and see how it sits with some time.

Him with all the different weapons attached.. I added a little more to the Volkite and while it looks ok I'm honestly still not loving it haha.. but I don't hate it so it will do.

Overall pretty happy with the way he came out and he'll mix in well with the rest of his RG crew. I'm going to have to reach out and try to get a game in soon 8).. 

It was nice taking part of DreadTober again this year and seeing all of the work getting knocked out. Awesome seeing all the different projects coming together. Talking to people about the projects and just looking at how different they all are. I'm going to be moving into full EC mode getting them painted up but if I'm going with the NMM it's going to take some time... I am going to start another EC Contemptor but I don't think I'll be getting him done by the end of DreadTober.

He wasn't done for DreadTober but I haven't put any full finished picture of the above guys brother so I figured I'd throw some on here. Dreads for Dread sake.


  1. Beautiful result! I especially like the Lascannon load out and the glow you put on those coils.
    The second Contemptor looks great as well. Where did you take the claws from, are they from the Incaendius?

    1. thanks.. much appreciated! i wanted to have a wide range to put on him. They are from the Blood Angel Furioso Dread.. Blood Talons I think they were called. It's been awhile.

  2. Thanks for joining us this year, you have a done a fantastic job!! I'll share some additional photos with everyone next week.

    1. It was nice to be back for some awesome DreadTober action.. it's nice that it's still going and nice to see that people are still enjoying it. Well done keeping the wheels on and keeping it move on down the line! 8) I need to get a gun Dread done so was the perfect time to get back in.
