
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sock Fail

 Hey all.. been another long stretch since the last update but I have been working here and there when I've been able. Nova is now three weeks away and I'm really under the gun, down to the wire, add whatever time crunch line you'd like ... I GOT NO TIME. This is the first time I've really thought about not pushing through ... but I'm putting in as much table time as I can from now to Nova to see if I can get what I need done done..
 The 20 assault marines are getting close to be being done. I put in some time to make them look very fluid and have a unique pose. I'm pretty happy with them.. I meant to take some pics of all of the bits I was using as it looked crazy. It was so many pieces.
 10 of the marines I used Dark Fury bodies and shoulders and the other 10 are mostly a mix of many pieces. I really wanted them to look piece meal and like the were scrounging whatever they could find.
 I needed a way to hold my models as I don't want to attach them to the bases yet until the bases are done. I pinned all the models and make a box to hold them. This made it easier to hold them and spray them.
 I wanted to chip and scratch the swords to show battle wear and tear. Yes.. that is a sock haha .. I needed something to protect the model so I should spray chipping and then spray black/gray. Don't worry it was clean.. and was old .. and then got thrown away...

 You might be able to see the wear on the swords but the models have a layer of gloss clear drying on them. Acyrlic blending is done and most of the other details are done. I have to paint the power claws and power sword but other then that it will be the weathering.
It wouldn't be Nova prep if there wasn't a ton of masking I needed to complete.
This is part of the stuff for the new additions to the display .. hopefully I have the time to get it completed ... 8(
Also masked the bases..
Hit the terrain with steel and then rusted some areas then cleared them. All prep for the chipping.
Added color sections to the bases so I could keep track of the different squads.. 10 red and 10 yellow.
And some of the chipping .. I added black to and red to some of the bits and started to chip. I'll of course add weathering and I'm thinking of add icons .. we'll see 8)

Time is running out... hopefully I can get this all done ..


  1. Blimey that is good going, keep it up man! It will be worth it

    1. Thanks man.. I have less than three months and it's a crazy deadline haha..I should have the guys done this weekend... hopefully 8)

  2. You are getting some speed going there and maintaining the quality. Strong play. Loving the assault squad, can't wait to see it together.

    1. Thanks bud.. yeah I'm in sprint mode. I feel frantic haha
