
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Nova 2018 Aftermath

 Hey all! It was another awesome year at the Nova Open and I had so many great games and good times. It was such a hectic year it felt like and this year I was exhausted from the get go haha.. like they say .. getting old is hell!
All of the games I played were awesome.. Win or Loss.. tight or slaughter.. no matter. Just nerds being nerds and loving it. It was tiring but so fun and pretty sad to see it end but I'm already thinking about next year and what I'm going to do for it ..

Here are some pictures -- Sadly some are blurry as all hell as I kept forgetting to pop the flash.. boooo but you should probably go over to Greg's page to really look at all the awesome stuff there. It felt like I was always on the move and there wasn't much down time. The downtime I had was filled with BS'n with friends.. old and new. Thanks to all of the guys running the 30K events they were all awesome to be a part of!

This year ..

  • I got in 6 games of 30K with friends... I know six isn't a lot to most but it's the most I've played all year. Plus it's with cool people with amazing armies..
  • Hung out with a bunch of friends.. old and new.. I'm sure I'll see you next year if not sooner in some cases.
  • Saw some awesome work! This year the painting really seemed to have jumped up in all of the divisions and it was cool to see much love put into the armies. Well done all. 
  • I judged the painting competition for the 40K Trios and 40K Narrative. While tiring and a bit hectic it was also very fun. Greg and I both were judges and took it very serious, we wanted to make sure each army got the respect it was due. 
  • I entered the Leviathan and Sicaran in the Capitol Palette. Sadly I didn't get to hang out at the Cap Palette cases much this year due to either playing, judging or being exhausted haha I did get to hang out in the lounge with some amazing painters though.
  • My only downside this year was my lack of eating lunch haha.. I always ended up getting side tracked. 

It was a good year for me painting wise.. 

  • I got Best Painted in the 30K Excruciatus event and part of the prize support was an awesome fold able gaming table from Firmeterra... the table looks awesome and I heard great things about it from people I know that have one.. go over to their site and check it out! Thanks Joe! 
  • I shared Best Painted in the 30K Bromance Team game.. Splitting it with Brad and Jake who had amazing looking armies. It was originally me and Brad but after three long days of gaming I was spent. Thankfully Jake stepped in and filled out the last game! Great games and made a couple of new friends! I won a Kill Team starter box which was awesome because I was just talking to friends about all starting up a KT and now I don't have to buy it!
  • The Leviathan won Bronze in the Masters division. This was the first year of the three painting levels.. Apprentice, Journeymen and Master, they also take the best of your entries in each class so the Leviathan was the chosen one as both my entries in the vehicle category. There was a lot of entries this year with the split ranks which was nice to see a lot of people enter and were very excited. The judges said this year Master class was going to be very picky so I was pretty nervous. I only shot for finalist and as long as I get there I'm pretty happy but the Leviathan pulled out a Bronze! Which was awesome.
  • The Display won best lighting.
  • And probably one of the biggest surprises was my army took 3rd in the Army Painter Convention wide Best Painted Army award! So many awesome armies there and coming in third was an honor!

It was an amazing Nova 2018! .. It was cool winning things here and there but the best part of the event was hanging out with friends. Most of which I only see at Nova but it doesn't matter.. it's like we were hanging out just last week. 

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