
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Heavy Boots of Lead...

 The big guy is almost complete.. I was hoping to have him completely done but the slow dry of oils didn't let me finish him up. No biggy I didn't want to rush him. I'm really loving this guy, I usually don't say that much but I'm really happy with him.
 He's still a little shiny as I haven't cleared him yet.. oils  8) ..  but once I clear him I'll be adding a little powder to the base and his feet and legs. It will be light as he's on metal but there would still be some dust blowing around.
 I think the free script came out looking pretty good.. "Persistance" I figured that would be a good term for the Raven Guard after nearly getting wiped out. I need to do the script work on the chainsword and I think I'm going with Corvia ..
 After I clear it and do another once over to make sure there isn't any other spots I missed or need some more grime. I don't want it to be as heavy as the other RG vehicles as I figured the normal humans would still keep their gear in good working order.
 I'll be adding a bit more leaking from the fallen Contemptor ..

So like I said.. I'm really happy with it! And it's only about two weeks of work so that's a pretty good turn around and now I have two weeks left till Nova and that will be mostly Display work. Argh! haha

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