
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mor is Better..

 This weekend I got seven dudes complete.. well almost. I don't know if it's just the way the camera took the pics but some of the blue glow doesn't look right. But when looking at them in person they seemed fine. Maybe I'll go over them again with a couple of washes to smooth them out. I've been working on the Apoth and the Praetor/Cent for a bit and I wanted to wrap up the combi Mor Deythan squad so this weekend I put in the time to get them close to completion.
 I think the squad came out looking decent but I do want to add a little more fatigue to the barrels of the combi's. When I started adding weathering I thinking I might have brought them down a little too much. You can see the blue and purples in there but it's very light.

 The squad looks good with the combi weapons and the plasma gun. I like the look of them with the Sniper Rifles as well but I think these guys looking like they mean business. They are ready to murder some enemy leadership!
 They got the weathered digital camo look to go with the existing look..

 The Apoth is almost done but sadly when I reached for my Tamiya red to add blood spatter I realized it was dried up. When I clsoed it last it must not have completely sealed .. other then I couldn't finish up some spatter it was pretty old and almost empty anyway. I'll have to stop my the hobby store or order some.. I want to add some gore spatter added to the apron and his Narthecium (maybe a bit on his shoulder... maybe). I usually mix Tamiya Red Clear and Smoke together to make a very realistic spatter look.
 I also noticed I forgot to finish up the yellow lens on his backpack so I'll need to add a few details and reflections.

 I also finished up the Praetor/Cent, I just chopped the Crozious and added a blade to give him the sword option. I'm in debate on ordering the FW Praetor but I don't know if I want to spend the extra money at the moment so this guy might be getting the job for one but I'll need another for the events I'm playing.
 I'm not too happy with how the plasma pistol looks in the pictures but it seemed fine in person. So when I get home I'll be taking a deeper look to make sure doesn't look all jacked up.
I kept going with the realistic look and I think they look solid. I'm just not sure how well they pop. I'm so use to Eldar units that are like BOOM here I am haha.. Well ..  7 more guys done .. 35 or so more guys to go. I"ll probably put together a four month NOVA count down soon putting together what I have done and what I still need to do.

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