
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Activate it and they will come

 The new display board is almost done. Thankfully. I originally wasn't planning on putting too much time into it just wanted to make something new to take. But when I started painting the etched areas I realized how much work it was actually going to be haha.. I started with a blue look but it wasn't really popping so I went with a solid black. I was thinking of weathering the black but I like how it pops and weathering it would take more time then I want to devote 8) I will be adding moss and leaves to match my normal look.
 Right now the base lights are just thrown in there. I need to hot glue them in place so they are distributed correctly and I need to make a diffuser for the main circle.
 The Warp Shield Generator moves through colors so it won't always be all blue .. going into purple, red, yellow, green and blue.
 Thankfully all of the construction and painting is down. Now it's down to just making it light correctly and adding some of the flocking. The WS Generator and Warp Vanes come out so it will be very easy to transport which will be nice 8)
 I added Blacks and Golds to the Display to give it a little more detail. The Vanes and Gen also have some details like spirit stones and controls.
NOVA is only a week away .. well I'll be heading down on Wednesday night to beat traffic and make checking in smoother. So I'll be getting there around 8 or so and hanging out. This year it's so nice not to feel like I'm losing my mind on the mad rush to get ready. Going into the event more relaxed is a total bonus. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and checking out all the awesomeness that will be in the painting comp. A less competitive gaming event will also be cool..   plus the Revenant is coming back out to play. He's expensive but if I can use him I'm going to 8)

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