
Thursday, September 17, 2015


 This weekend I undertook a large project.. the ReConstruction of my painting area. Sadly my painting area is very cramped and that annoyed the crap out of me. My wife requested I build her some shelves so I figured it would be a good idea to wrap both projects into one. I could break down my old setup and use the pine I had to make the shelves without having to drop a bunch of coin on the nice wood for her shelves. Working it this way I spent under $100 total which is what I was going for! I sadly had to remove my built in spray booth with vent so I will be swapping it in and out as needed. But it did also make it easier to normally airbrush at the same location I paint. I don't always need the ventilation so it will be nice to paint something then quickly clear it without standing up or moving to the other side of the room.
 I also now get a nice view outside and some natural light if I can squeeze some time to paint during the day. Pretty happy with it so far.. I played around for about 15 mins last night to try it out and was nice. The rest of my time was putting everything back in it's new space. I built it to hold as much as I could and that has really helped. I still have some organizing to do but so far it's much more room.
 You can also see the white surface on there, it's coated MDF that gives it an awesome surface for painting. My friend Scott recommended a counter top but that would have been way too much. So we looked around and came across this. Its water repellent and very cleanable. A drop of primer landed on it last night and I just wiped it up. Nice..
 I will miss my old setup and desk but what can you do.
It's much more clean being together and with the white reflective surface a lot brighter! Whoot!.. I want to get down to business and paint something but it will have to wait. I'm going to see Pop Will Eat Itself tonight in Philly.. going to be a long long day.. up for work at 4:30am and the show says it ends tonight and Midnight ..  yikes...  Tomorrow will be zombie Friday 8)

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