
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spinning a Yarn

 Last night I was all over the place, working on the Night Spinner a bit and also working on the Jetbike riders. I need a little more blending on the turret but I'm almost done the blues. I'll have to add some of the gunmetal to the engines and other bits then it will get some of the engine glow treatment. So much still to do it's crazy..
 Here's what the under body looks like at the moment. I'll be adding more detail but this is just the blue blending on the bottom. The turret will also get some glow but will most likely be the greens.. I forgot to attach the barrels of the guns but they are blue blended as well. I'll be redoing the energy chamber on the tank as they looked a little rough to me..  I painted them years ago when they first came out and before I had an air brush so I want to make them a little smoother looking.
I'm really liking the look of these guys together. When they are sitting with the hornets it really looks slick .. well..  to me at least I guess haha..  I'll probably be bouncing around getting stuff done for the next couple of weeks till Nova gets here... Greg and I were just talking about it ..  Painting a ton of things at the same time makes it go much faster but is way less rewarding haha..  Big reward at the end instead of a series of smaller rewards but those smaller rewards keep you motivated and moving toward your goal.

I'm taking this Sunday as a complete hobby day.. it will be a day to really crush some of the work load..  I'm hoping at least ..

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