
Friday, May 15, 2015

You Best Get Crackalack'n Son..

 It's been a while since I posted a working update..  I've been super busy and in kind of a slump. But with NOVA quickly approaching this dude man bro needs to get working. And one of the things I need to get done is the converted Wave Serpent I've been working on for .. well awhile now .. I've been playing around with some different detail looks and have been going back and forth with a few things so it's been pushing it out even farther. I think I have all my ideas lined up now though so now it will be the finishing details and clean up..
 It's getting pretty close at the moment. ..  the gems need a little work, the pilot needs to be blended and the turret needs some love but it's getting there. I'm also in debate over a symbol or two. On my Dar I usually don't like to load it up with icons though. My boys are above all that haha.. uppity and all that ..

 It's on the new bases I've also been working on and so far pretty happy with them. This was the first one so there are a few things I'll need to work out though.

 I changed the rear vents to have the matching purple inner glow .. whatever powers my Eldar vehicles gives off a purple hue .. 8)

 I got the underslung magnets done so I can swap them out should I want one or the other. The guns still need a bit of work as not they are kinda just black metallic..

 Here are the bases by themselves. I wanted something to hold the skimmers a little better then a little stick and wanted them to have some reasons behind them. The upright has a squad marker on it and the base itself has a diamond cut to show it's one of many. I'll have to post up some of the other bases in a few days to make it make more sense.
BOOM.. a new post..  happy to have something that actually looks interesting to post up on the site. Now I have to start steam rolling a bunch of models..  yikes,.

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