
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Good, The Bad, The Hungry

This will be the first of a couple of posts about the NOVA Open 2014. This will mostly cover the Trios Event but will spill over to other days and points because it's pretty tough for it not to. I normally don't write longish posts but these probably will be more so.. SooooOOOOooooo..

The Good, The Bad and the Hungry
That was our Trios Team name and it consisted of Evan and Ron from FTGT and me (I talk to the FTGT guys a lot and it was great to actually meet Ron and Chandler in person). We had been going over multiple names and ideas since Evan had a tough time picking which army he wanted to take. He chose Crons and we had three of the armies that wouldn't team up EVER .. haha.. I mean they HATE each other with a passion (well I guess Nids hate everything other living thing equally but you know). So Evan came up with the idea of the The Good, The Bad and the Hungry which was a cool spoof off the Good, The Bad and the Ugly.. seemed like a good idea and I got to be Clint haha.. well at least in moniker. I matched up our image (above) to the originally movie poster and we had shirts made. Next was the display board. We all would have our own but we also wanted something to tie it all together. We were all pretty tight on time but I had the materials so set to work and I was pretty happy with the outcome for only putting a few hours in.
I matched the final scene of the movie where the three face off.. including the three and two graves .. So we placed our three leaders on the board staring each other down. Greg from Feed Your Nerd took a ton of pictures and let me use some of them that were of our team. If you haven't checked out his site I'd recommend it! Here are some of the pictures..

And a link to some of the other ones.. The Good, The Bad and the Hungry Trios Pictures.. Thanks Greg!

I also met John Stiening from 40K Hobby Blog which was very cool. Sometimes I feel like I live in a hole, since changing jobs last year I don't have the time to check out all the blogs and sites I should and if you haven't checked out John's blog go there now! He's an amazing painter and he cleaned up this year in the Crystal Palette. He took multiple medals but topped it off with Best of Show. Congrats! Your work was amazing.

I had a great time in the Trios playing some very cool people and it was a nice chill atmosphere where we were all joking and having a good time! We definitely weren't the champions on wins but I did win this..
 And we won the best Paint/Theme/Displays .. Sadly we don't have the plaques or prizes yet. There was a mix up with the award and they called another team. Saturday night before I was about to leave and was in the process of packing everything up when one of the Trios Judges came over and asked if I was going to be at Nova on Sunday. I was going home that night and really thought I wasn't going to be able to come back for the last day..  three days were already a lot to ask my (super) wife when the kids had just started at preschool and she was handling drop off and pock up duties! He said we won the Paint/Theme/Display award and he'd love for us to all be there to accept the award, So I said I'd see what I could do. The next day Evan told me I also won a medal, when I told my (awesome) wife that I won she said I should go down and accept the award knowing we had worked hard on it. I'd be there ...

I drove back down to DC and hitting traffic as always had to park at the hotel. I went in and found Evan and ChandleRon (haha). We Sat through the awards and when the Trios came up they called me for the Medal but not the Team for the Paint/Theme award, they called someone else. That was a rough one .. I sat there thinking I know he said we won last night .. maybe they mixed up the awards. So as the ceremony was coming to an end I went and talked to the judge. He looked pretty upset and when I told him which one was ours he told me that yes we were the winners but someone had marked it down wrong. He hoped up and tried to find the other team who had already left. He was very apologetic about it and seemed to be taking it very hard. I guess he remembered I drove down for it and wanted us to get the recognition for the win. They are going to get replacement plaques made and replacement prize support then contact us. It really was a bummer but people make mistakes and I totally understand they have a lot going on. It will be fixed and we DID WIN!! awesome .. Next year I'll be back for the Trios for sure .. it really was my favorite event that I played in. I liked the team aspect and the was cool working on a team theme. I'm already thinking about what new cool stuff can be done for next year! 8)

When the plaques come in I'll post them up..

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