
Monday, September 29, 2014

Photo Op..

 I've told a few people I'd take some decent pictures of the display board and the army on it so this weekend I actually got around to it. My Son's birthday party was this weekend so I've been super busy and haven't gotten to do much hobby wise. I also have some other projects that are getting started .. I'll talk about those hopefully sooner then later..

But anyway .. I've also been wanting to update the Eldar page with the new display board so I figure this was the prefect time to.
 These armies in these pics are close to my Nova Armies though I have added some other stuff, I had to put the new Falcon in there haha..

Revenant needed to get some love ..
 I think down the road I'm going to make a background up for taking full army shots. I hate seeing the walls and surroundings when taking a group shot like this. I placed some black foam board in the back to help with the tight shots and to block the light coming into the window.

 I'm really happy with the way it came out .. the display is what I had pictured and had drawn out on paper. There are a few things I'll be adding and modifying this year but I don't see myself making a whole new display board. I really don't think I need to 8)..
 I want to remake the center vane and add some lighting to it, I also want to add either side platforms or vanes.. I'll probably start playing around with that this winter at some point.

And the full cabinet, it was a huge success, I was originally a bit nervous about it but it was as helpful as I thought it was going to be. So I can honestly say I'd recommend using/making one!

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