
Monday, May 20, 2013

My voice is raw, My lyrics are law...

I got a game in on Friday, 1K BA which I figured I'd be nutty and throw in a LR (I forgot to take any pictures so I had to steal one from my friend Sean). I played Josh's Orks and I think he has some kind of Ork training facility. I have never seen Orks shoot so well, he was putting a serious hurt on me, not to mention I could do very little in return. Thankfully the poor rolling did save me at the end, the game ended in round 5 with a roll of a 2. And with that it gave me the game haha.. He'd pummeled me pretty bad but I had castled up in a building to take one Obj and then ran to take the center Obj which was worth more. It was a fun game either way, much smack talking was had and Josh's night was made when he took out the LR. Which he didn't let go until we had left haha

But, the big news (rumors) is the pics of the Eldar Wraithknight and the Flyer (not to mention the cover).

Though it may take a couple of times to get it to load so many people are hitting it. It's cool to see a pic of both and I'm liking the look of the flyer which I was a bit worried about. I don't really like the Dar Forgeworld flyers, the small ones at least, the one that looks like a Klingon Bird of Prey is pretty cool but how often are you going to be running that 8). If the Dar flyers looked terrible I was just going to buy the DE ones and mod them but thankfully I don't think I'll have to. The pic is small and your have to really zoom in but what I'm looking at so far looks cool.

The Wraithknight, some parts I really like some I'm a little so so about. The arms and head look too small to me, maybe it's the angle or I'm just being nit picky. Who knows.. But either way it looks to be kitted out pretty nicely. And with it probably being $85 bucks it will most likely kick ass since they will want to be selling a bunch of them. I've been really looking forward to the Dar release and now I am even more.

They are saying that pre orders will be up by the 24th and will go on sale June 8th. Which is nice (if it happens), when I spurge and drop a ton of coin I'll say it's for Father's Day. My own little gift to myself haha.. WHOOT !

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