
Monday, March 11, 2013

Build it and he will come..

This weekend was super hectic but I did manage to pick up the wood for the cabinet/spray booth and make some good progress. I would have liked to have it all done but so much was going on this weekend I feel pretty happy with where it's at. Though sadly it meant no hobby'n as there is no place to sit, there is so much stuff everywhere. Most of the stuff is the stuff that was on the old shelves awaiting their new homes in the stuff holder.

Saturday night I went out to get the wood, going with pine I had to pick up six 1"x12"x10's. My friend Scott came over as much to help as hang out so we made the journey to Home Depot. The Depot is some crap, I can't even begin to tell you how many boards I had to sift through but it was MANY! The final board coming from the last in the row. They didn't have the chopping board counter top there, they carry them at Lowes but it appears HD doesn't. Honestly I would have just gone to Lowes in the first place if it wasn't for the fact I need 10' boards and sadly 10' boards don't fit all that well in my Tribeca. Which meant the hatch was going to be open a bit and that meant driving home hillbilly style, HD is less then two miles away so it would be quick. The Lowes stores are much farther and though going hillybilly style is fun I don't want to push my luck.. So I had to buy the wood then run back, drop it off and haul ass to Lowes which was closing in 22 mins. So we were those guys, we made it there with 8 mins to spare. Sorry people, I at least knew what I wanted to get.

By the time I had all the stuff I needed it was 10:30, a very late start for sure. I was hoping to have all the boards cut that night so I could just assemble but I then noticed my cuts weren't straight. Argh.. The boards were just too long for the table saw, I got fed up and quit for the night. I was way too tired to think constructively. Yesterday afternoon I started working on it and for only getting 2 to 3 hours into it I'm a good  70% done. I need to attach the vertical boards, attach two full length shelves, three 12" side shelves and then the support feet. Oh yeah and I need to glue the counter to the supports just for some added strength. I'll be making the back and sides of the spray booth area with foam board. I want it to be white for extra light and to be replaceable  making the foam board perfect for the situation. I also picked up three linkable 14" lights to light it. Tonight I'm hoping to get it done, but it's hard as I want to see the kiddies then can't make too much noise when they are sleeping haha..

I was tired after the busy weekend so I sat down with some clippers and a DA Boxset and clipped away! haha it was the only thing I could do with my room in shambles.

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