
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eldar.. can you stay above the creep?

Since I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to really work on anything. But I figured I might as well start putting together some thoughts as to what I want to do. Eldar are my boys, from the start of my 40K gaming I've played them. But with the new rules and the evil codex creep the Dar are getting more and more limited to what they can field. Well, field and actually be a force to deal with. In 5th the CC units were at best below average compared to most of the armies out there. 6th has put a serious hurting on the Banshees and our delivery system. In 5th I tried to maximize shots in my army. My old lists ran something like this..

Eldrad - (He's a beast, for the points he can't be beat)
10 x DA's with Ex Bladestorm 2x SC
        in a WS with Scatter, Stones
10 x DA's with Ex Bladestorm 2x SC
        in a WS with Scatter, Stones
5 x Pathfinders
5 x Pathfinders
5 x Dragons
        in a WS with BLs
5 x Dragons
        in a WS with BLs
Vyper w/ 2 x ShurCannons
Vyper w/ 2 x ShurCannons
Vyper w/ 2 x ShurCannons
Wraithlord w/ Flamers and a BL
Reapers w/ Exarch Crack Shot

The amount of lead I would throw was awesome. I'd get "Aren't you done shooting yet?" and usually no, I wasn't. When Vehicles had some staying power people feared the Dragon. They were as mean as they came, he knew he was going to die but so be it if a LR went down and those Termies now had to trudge across the board. Plus the player now annoyed with the Dragons would charge and deal with them. Another round tied up. Plus the Wave Serpent would zoom off to blast something else, his delivery completed. Now the Serpent, probably the most expensive Transport out there isn't so great any more. They use to hang tough, typically weathering all manor of shots and annoying my opponent. Now being glanced to death hurts when their price is so high. Dragons are also hit, they don't have a solid delivery and popping vehicles is much easier these days. From looking at it, I'm thinking Hawks may now be the tank killers of choice, jump up to a vehicle Haywire the crap out of them and then typically die. Today I started going over some options and maybe in the somewhat near future I can get in a test game. I'll be posting up some new thoughts about the Dar.. and I'm thinking of doing a War Walker Conversion. I usually don't use them because I hate the way they look. But they can throw out some serious fire. So far just some thoughts.


  1. Two things I would look at is with the Exarch adding a Aegis with Quadgun. Basically, you'd be dropping flyers like their hot. They are bad MoFos with quadgun. I have also seen them sitting in the Bastion with the same effect but less likelyhood of being forced out.

    Eldrad is a good choice but with the changes to deny the witch he is expensive now. A loaded farseer can be as equally powerful if you add stones and all that crap but you lose the reorg of troops before the start. You'd have a lot of fire which would prevent a lot of assualts. Who wants to assualt something with 20+ shots?

    Warwalker is good for the points and can be a beast.

  2. So when did you become an Eldar expert? 8P

    I was looking at that ADL with Quad and with an Ex with Tank Hunter is can be very useful but I'd have to check the points and don't want to sink a whole squad to just sit there.

    Not with you on the Eldard point though. He's still a beast and cheap. If you add in powers and gear a standard Seer is pretty much the same cost. I alway runs SS, Helm and Runes. Plus you have to pay for each power you give a seer. Eldrad has them all and if he chooses to use the new powers he gets 4. Add in his Staff (allowing for 3 powers per turn and even one twice) better armour and toughness plus his divination. Unless the game is under 1500 points I'd always take him. For me the hard choice would be should he be in the back guiding Walkers or in the mix with new powers and a squad of Wraith Guard. With the right powers it would be a sick sick unit.

    Deny the Witch is if I target an enemy. Fortune and Guide are buffs.. targeting my own peeps. No DtW rolls..

    Walkers were good even in 5th .. I just hate the way they look. They don't have the Eldar feel to me.. they seem clunky and the chicken legs have to go 8)

    1. I have been beaten enough by them. Ex with Crackshot is probably better than TH. They really screwed TH compared to last version. I understand not wanting to leave a squad. I was using my havocs which can't move and fire at full BS.

      The thing to remember with powers for the eldar is you can't mix eldar and 6th ed powers. The FAQ says if you pick 6th Ed you swap one for one. I was also thinking of Doom.

  3. Whoops I mean Fast Shot not Tank Hunter.. I was looking at the Dragon section while writing it but was think Reaper. Crack shot would be decent too.. but if a Reaper were on it he could up the shots by 1. Plus the squad could still fire. Don't think they'd do much against a flyer but could do well against high toughness troops. Right now I'm reviewing all the units to see which got worse and which got better.

    Yeah I know.. but the Divination School/Type/choice .. whatever you want to call it is also mostly buffs/blessings as well. I think all but one or two are. And with PreCog and Forewarning that's a sick tough squad to deal with. Or you go old school and use Guide and Fortune. Guiding a squad of Reapers and Walkers or double Walkers is a lot of re rollable shots. Still only saves on a 6 unless they have a hood close.

    The next post I'm going to go over some of the stuff I'm thinking about..

    1. Let me know when your down for a game. Need to try out my biker list. Of course I need to build my Slaanesh lord on his mount but I can proxy for that.
