
Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm number 1!

This weekend I applied the Decals to the Baal and applied a bit of weather powder to it. I didn’t want to go too far but just a little soot and some mud on the treads. I’m happy with the outcome. The pics are right after I cleared it but before I labeled the emblem haha. Now I have to get the other Baal down. I do so love them, yesterday I played a 2K battle vs Deamons and they laid out the hate as usual. I’ll be writing up a Battrep for it in the near future.

More information I posted other places..  Using an Airbrush I go through multiple levels with the fade. Start with the black primer, spray it all maroon, highlight bright red, shadow with black then go back and hit the details with maroon and red again. Takes a little time with the color changes but I'm happy with the final look. biggrin.gif the extra armor kit really gives a lot of places to contrast with all the added edges.


  1. I love the way you paint red both on vehicles and infantary minis! I have recently started experimenting with airbrushing and I think I may... borrow your technique. If you ever post a step by step tutorial please let me know.

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you like them. I prefer a lot of shadowing, feel free to use my tech 8). I'll put that on the to dos. I'm just bad at taking pics while working, usually just do it when I'm finishing up.
