
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Coming in tight..

 Got some more work done on the Flyer this week and though the process is slow it continues. I did get the display portion of it done and cut. It's going to look like the top of an Imperial build and the Ork is cutting it tight as he starts his run.
 I put on a few more layers of muck and worked on the verdigris a bit. I also started on the rust streaking but I'll amp it up a little to make it stand out more on certain areas. I'll also be adding more newer rust spots as well. Again I've done a lot but never seems like it to me haha..

 Started dinging up the checks some to make them look a but more aged.
 I started to add color to the engine thrusters but I'll probably need a little more detail added and I'll need to adjust the heat fatigue a little as well.
 I added on the small missles .. I'll be adding the bombs on then I'll be rust streaking the bottom. I had to chop all the bodies down on the missles .. the flaps would hit them if not so now they are a bit shorter and work with the working flaps.
 Here is the display piece. I'll be mounting the wing in the chunked out section of the building to hold it up and make it look like it's swooping past.
 I need to scrouge up some of the bastion pieces or other radio antenna type things to put on top as well as adding the texture paint to make it look rough on the roof areas and show debris on others.
 The building will be a grey with red stripes and the symbols will be a weathered brass / gold.
So far I'm pretty happy with the look but I want to get it done soon..  I have a couple of other things I'm working on for the painting comp so I'd like to have a few things in there. I don't expect to win anything but it's cool to stand there with the rest of the painters and talk about each others pieces. That's been the best part of NOVA the past couple of years!

Friday, June 24, 2016

That's so metal!

 Last night I logged into the Hobby Hangout hosted by shades and got about three hours of painting done. It had been awhile since I had logged on but with the Kickstarter getting close to finished and Nova fast approaching I need to put more time at the painting table and was nice to BS with the guys and made the time go by quick. 
I started on the metal details last night and blah. It is a process that takes a ton of time haha and I'm usually sitting there thinking ok what needs to be a different color? This? Ok. Hmmmm.  So it's a drawn out process but I did get most of the extra colored bits added and started to muck them up some. I also started the streaking and went pretty heavy. I wanted the steaking heavier where the white paint was wearing off. Like the Ork paint was crap and streaked back. It's probably hard to see in the pics but there's heavy sections here and there. I'll also be doing rust steaks but that will be close to the very end. 
I added the exhaust pipes to the side and started to add some heat fatigue to the hot metal areas. I figured Orks wouldn't care about the heat so it would be excessive. The guns and thrusters need some more coloring atm. 

I also started with some verdigris to the copper and brass areas, I like to go heavy and then rub it off. This gives it a more worn look IMO, in these pics it's dring so next session I'll be rubbing the heavy sections. 
I'm pretty close to the final steps on the main body. That's pretty cool! I atleast feel like progress was made 8)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Take a little bite..

 A little more work on the Flyer, I finished up the added details. I wanted it to have the WWII look so the icon placement matches and went with the teeth but added a little Orkiness . I added the one giant toof. The teeth and mouth was all free hand and I think it came out looking pretty good, i did chip it but I think that may gave made it look a little worse.. but it is what it is.

 I wanted the tail plates to have the checks and something to mix it up so went with red on some them as well.
 The nose got a few checks as well.
 The other side of the fuselage ..

Thankfully all the added stuff is done so now I'm going to start working on modulation of the colors that are on it now. That is probably going to take me some time to get it complete.Once that's done I'll start working on the other metals and working the rust and probably some verdigris in as well. I'm working on the base it will be mounted on as well but it's mostly lasercut and I'm still working on getting it right.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Check it

 I got a little more work done on the Ork Flyer. I started with the checks on the edges of the wings and started to chip them up. It takes a while to paint them up I tell you haha..  and then you have to start chipping them off. It hurts a bit .. I tell you.
 Next I started working on the Ork Icon which is a mix of airbrush and hand painting. The colors are a bit plain and some a little bright at the moment but I need to get all the other details added in them I'll be going in with some modulation, panel work and then a bunch of streaking.
 I want to have this done before Nova but we'll see.. I really haven't been in a major painting mood and this is taking a long time.
I started designing the building that will serve as the base for the flyer which is anothe layer that is goin to take a bunch of time. haha.. everthing takes a bunch of time. 8)