
Monday, April 30, 2012

Give me your best shot pal .. I can take it..

This weekend I was working on getting the Land Raider closer to finished. It was a bunch a of black and metallics, I also worked on a Razorback and it's turrets bits. So it was pretty much all painting guns and turrets. No weathering yet just getting the guns close to done. I'll be gaming this weekend and want these tanks to be finished for the game. That will be the last paint to play for awhile, I'm planning to go to games day and I want to enter something. Not even thinking about winning just want to enter it for the experience. But I still want it to look good and I really need to crack down on it.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We'll get it there ..

I've seen a few people build these on the net and I made one for the Kill Team game I ran. I wanted to make more but the first one though easy to build was annoying to remove the glue. I made it from an old display board I had, it was double sided corrugated that I peeled one side off. But it left glue attached to the center section that was impossible to completely remove. I scraped and sanded it off, but there was still some left over. So I just went with the one until I could get some single sided corrugated which was a huge help. I used card stock to make the edges. Last night I cut enough sections to make three of them. I have two mostly together. Once I have all of them build I"ll probably make a Blood Angel template as well .. to represent for my boys 8)

If you want the sizes

4 sides .. 10" x 4"
1 end 4" x 4"
2 doors 2" x 4" (I haven't made the doors for the new ones as I might make them a bit different)
I made foam board supports to hold it and it's shape.

I'm going to have one have a hole blown in it and I want to make at least one have working doors which I will use plasticard to create.

Here's a pic of it on the table. Once I have more they will be a big part of the next Kill Team game. I want to make a maze of sorts out of them.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rictor Grell

Rictor Grell stood on the forest edge looking down on what was left of Vastall. Burnt habs in various stages of ruin, fire still raged in most of the city pushing back the shadows of night. Twisted metal hulks of machinery and vehicles were scattered throughout the the rubble of the razed city. Grell had been tracking a squad of gene fail traitors for the past forty hours and it looks like they had returned to their hole. He had no idea how long the warband had been here but it appeared they were the ones that had caused the destruction below. Human remains could be seen impaled on spikes though out the town. They were in various stages of decomposition but all were terrible and all were missing their heads. He snorted and shook his head, “skulls for the skull throne” he thought. How far you have sank, look at what you have become.
Like him they were once War Hounds, Legion of the Emperor without a Primarch. The day their Primogenitor was found was supposed to be a great day for the chapter. But for some it was a curse, Angron was little more than a bloodthirsty beast. His first act as their leader was killing many of their respected brothers, brothers that were in effect his sons. After realizing what it meant to be a Primarch and their leader he renamed them World Eaters. That was the least of the insults they would endure, he also wanted them to get the same psycho implants he was forced to receive. Some such as Kharn saw those as a blessing but many saw them for what they were, a curse. Devolving them into base killing machines like Angron. A group of high level hounds falsified the reports of the implant insertion and reorganized companies to group up like minded individuals. This was a boon up until Isstvan III when most of those that apposed Angron's beliefs were sent to die. Phor Grell, a first loyal was one of them and he was sent down to be eliminated. But the traitors underestimated the loyalists resolve and paid a heavy toll.
Rictor tried to shake off old memories, they were his and also not his, and sometimes it could be difficult. He was coming up on his seven hundredth year of life but his gene-seed’s life was much older. He was lucky enough to receive the gene-seed of the first loyal Phor Grell, one of those that stayed true to the Emperor and preferred death to betrayal. The honored dead of Isstvan III. An underground facility was discovered below the Governoral palace and the Apothecaries cobbled together a storage system to perserve gene-seed. Every bit of gene material that could be retrieved was extracted and stored, if they would escape this world it would be needed to rebuild. Before the final bombardment many took refuge in the facility to wait out the armageddon. It was there one hundred meters underground that the Dusk Wolves were born. In the future when a brother’s service ended and he joined the Emperor in death his gene-seed would be passed on. The inheritor would take his benefactors surname his mantle as well as his genetic materials. Like many chapters their gene-seed did suffer some mutation, the sense of betrayal and the strife of brother battling brother emanates through them and stored memories and feelings of past inheritors are passed on. The living breathing brother is an amalgam of all those that have passed before starting with the first.
Rictor shook himself free of the past, now was not the time. He had work to do, vengeance to reap. Again he looked down on Vastall and spotted movement. Three forms moved in front of a raging fire on the edge of town, Rictor’s optics zoomed in and enhanced. One of the forms had moved off but the other two were pulling skulls from a pile of ravaged bodies. “Move in, leaving none alive. End their future, no gene-seed survives.” he radioed to the other Wolves in the woods. He didn’t wait for a response, there was none needed.  He sprang from the cover of the forest storming toward the ruined town, Terminator armour was larger than power armour and normally encumbered its wearer. Not Grell, he was one with his armour and he bore down on the two figures at breakneck speed. He wasn’t slowed but he couldn’t stop the sound of his heavy boots thundering over the ground. With an electric crackle his lightning claws blazed into life emanating a red ruddy glow. His quarry turned as he approached their chainaxes and pistols already in hand. No matter how far they had sunk into depravity they were still Space Marines and they were ready.  But ready or not, they were going to die. Nothing could stop that now.
Since being sick I haven't had the energy to get much done at the table to I worked a bit more on the Dusk Wolve backstory. Here's a little run down of Emperor's Guard (counts as Wolf Guard).

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Progress is my middle name ..

A little progression on the Dusk Wolves dudes..  So far only some detailing and cleared them before I started on the next step. They are coming along and hoping to have a couple of guys finished off shortly. I'm still playing around with the best way to paint these guys, white is always a pain so I'm working on getting a good system down for the regular troops. Also trying to get over my cold so last night I didn't get any painting in,. I came home from work and crawled in bed.

Here's a progression from start to where I am now.. but still needs a good bit more.

And a Missle Launcher dude..

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beat Down ..

That's what Death Company does .. but it's also how I feel. Last night I picked up a terrible cold. so not much to update. I got some paint on the remaining two DC and fixed one of the DW arms as he took a spill and had to be glued.

I also ordered a
Artograph 1520 Compact Spray System
Artograph 1520 Compact Spray System *os1
The glue and paint fumes have been jacking me up so I had to score something. I'll write something about it once I get it in and used.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Landship Committee

Got some work done on two Land Raiders this weekend. I started on the Dusk Wolf LR but since I had the powders out I also applied some to my BA God Hammer. I've been wanting to get some tanks knocked out. I've been working on the DWs lately but still have a bunch of BA tanks that I need to wrap up.

So far I haven't touched the Sponsons or the Turret. I'll apply some mud powder to the treads and some rust as well.

As for the God Hammer I blended the LAS barrels and did a little weathering.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My death cannot stop me..

I was going to finish him up over the weekend but this weekend is getting filled up quick and last night I had a few hours so I knocked him out. I think he came out looking pretty good, the colors and damage are what I had pictured. I ended up going with blue for the cabling on the plasma cannon, looks so much better then the yellow was looking. I will have to finish up his melta arm plus I want to order the LAS arm for him. The Dusk Wolves are getting closer and closer to being table ready, at least vehicle wise. Still a ways off with the dude menz. 8)